How to protect from Hackers!

Just read this great article in the Globe and Mail – that talks about how even though we may not be large corporations like Sony, Citigroup or the FBI we are all susceptible to hackers online. Part of the issue is that hackers come in different forms and are often… Continue reading

Safety on the Internet

Internet safety is a huge issue nowadays specially in the light of predators and al kinds of crazies online. For you parents out there and even some adults who aren’t sure what information you should and should post online – this site is for you. This comprehensive site uses videos and… Continue reading

Social Media can change your life!

In recent times, we have noticed that social media has taken hold of our very lives. It is now crucial that twitter, facebook and blogs are included in any potentially successful marketing plan. In fact it is possibly the best way to take it to the people and allow them… Continue reading

Welcome to Rapidtech Computer Services Information Page

In true Canadian fashion welcome, bienvenue, namaste, sat sri akal, huān yíng, and bienvenido to our new blog! Technology is expanding so rapidly these days that we realize that as the ‘experts’ it is our duty to keep you informed and upto date with all that is happening today. Twenty… Continue reading